Elizabeth Line Strike Ballot Results
TSSA members in Traffic Manager, Service & Infrastructure and Incident Response Manager grades at RfLi have voted overwhelmingly YES to strike action and YES to action short of strike, with a turnout of over 80%. This is an excellent result.
89.66% voted YES to strike and 96.55% voted YES to action short of strike action.
At ACAS talks with RfLi management last week no improved offer was tabled for Operational staff.
This result sends a clear and strong message to RfLi management that they need to start talking seriously. We need urgent action on pay and assurances that RfLi staff pensions will not undermined.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote in this important ballot.
We are liaising closely with Prospect, our sister union in RfLi, and with your TSSA reps to co-ordinate industrial action starting in January. Prospect members in RfLi maintenance voted overwhelming for strike action and action short of strike last week.
We have set up two Teams meetings with TSSA members in RfLi so that we can update you on next steps and plans for strike action and action short of strike.
Please join us if you can at the following times:
TSSA Members Meeting - Friday, 23 December, 11:00-12.00
Click here to join the meeting -
Meeting ID: 345 243 854 800
Passcode: 9gnCyn
Download Teams | Join on the web
TSSA Members Meeting - Monday, 27 December, 11:00-12.00
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 362 924 644 875
Passcode: TAfcSU
Download Teams | Join on the web
We have notified RfLi senior management of this ballot result and your reps will keep you updated in the coming weeks and provide guidance on strike action and action short of a strike.
Please speak to your TSSA reps if you have any questions, and thank you again for taking part in this important ballot.
The full results of the ballots are outlined below.
Strike action ballot result
Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot: 36
Number of votes cast in the ballot: 29
Votes cast in the ballot as a % of individuals who were entitled to vote: 80.55%
Question: Are you prepared to take part in industrial action consisting of a strike?
Result of Voting:
- Yes: 26 (89.66%)
- No: 3 (10.34%)
Action short of strike ballot result
Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot: 36
Number of votes cast in the ballot: 29
Votes cast in the ballot as a % of individuals who were entitled to vote: 80.55%
Question: Are you prepared to take part in industrial action short of a strike?
Result of Voting:
- Yes: 28 (96.55%)
- No: 1 (3.45%)
This is an excellent mandate – and we call upon RfLi to reconvene meaningful pay talks as soon as possible and to give assurances on pensions.