TfL Pension Fund Review - Survey of TSSA members
As you may be aware, the Review of TfL’s Pension Fund is a condition set by the UK Government as part of the short term funding agreement announced on 1st June 2021. The Review Team that has been set up has published its Stage 1 Call for Evidence that poses a series of questions that have been sent to the trade unions and various groups (like the Company Councils within TfL and LU) with the request that a written response should be submitted by 17 September 2021.
So far, we have held events at which TfL and LU reps and members have been invited to express their views on the questions posed in the Stage 1 Call for Evidence, which has shown an overwhelming opposition to change to the Pension Fund.
However, the Survey that we are now asking you to complete is an attempt to build on the views and evidence that we have already received whilst also enabling a wide participation. It does this by:
- breaking down some of the Call for Evidence questions into their component parts making the technical pension elements more accessible.
- asking about your experiences in areas such as Pension Fund membership and pay.
- seeking your views about how your pension matters to you and whether it influences your continued employment with Transport for London.
We intend to use your responses – together with other information that we have gathered – to inform TSSA’s submission to the Stage 1 Call for Evidence. Overall, we will be approaching our reply from the perspective that we oppose change.
Key to the evidence that we will submit is what you tell us so we would really encourage all members to please spend a few minutes completing the online Survey.
The Survey closed at 23:59 on Wednesday 8 September 2021.