Representing travel
Find out about where TSSA represents workers in the travel trade and how we support you at work
Find out about TSSA in your company
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We may not have an individual page for every company where our members work, but don't worry, if you work in transport or travel you will be covered by TSSA.
If you are a TSSA member and are looking for advice or assistance in connection with your employment or membership, you can contact our Members’ Helpdesk.
We can advise on a range of workplace issues including; discipline and grievance hearing, maternity rights and redundancy.
Helpdesk opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00 Monday - Thursday | 09:00 - 16:00 Friday
Please note: we cannot undertake to provide advice to non-members, to members of other unions, or to members on behalf of their partners/friends. If you are not yet a member, please join TSSA online.
Find out about where TSSA represents workers in the travel trade and how we support you at work
Find out about where TSSA represents workers in the transport industry and how we support you at work
Get access to support & advice, member resources, career development opportunities and more.
Get access to support & advice, member resources, career development opportunities and more.