EastMidlands Railway: Ballot Success!!
Members in EastMidlands Railways have voted YES to strike action and YES to action short of a strike in the recent pay dispute ballot. It has been a successful ballot with 71% of TSSA members taking part.
A whopping 80% voted YES to action short of strike and 64% voted in favour of strike action. This will send a strong message to EastMidlands Trains bosses and the DfT that we need action on pay, job security and terms and conditions.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote in this important ballot. It was essential you had your say to support your staff reps in future negotiations. Your TSSA colleagues in other train operators and Network Rail are also being balloted for both strike action and action short of strike with further ballot results due this week and next.
We are liaising closely with our brothers and sisters in other rail unions RMT and Aslef and are engaging with your TSSA EastMidlands Trains reps about next steps and action.
We have not served notice to EastMidlands Trains of strike action or action short of a strike as yet. Your staff reps will be meeting to discuss and agree what action short of a strike will take place and when, and once this is agreed rest assured we will keep you updated on all developments and we shall write to you again to advise of the details.
Please speak to your TSSA reps for more information, and thank you again for taking part in this important ballot.
The full results of the ballots are outlined below.
Strike action ballot result –
Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot: 168
Number of votes cast in the ballot: 120
Votes cast in the ballot as a % of individuals who were entitled to vote: 71.4%
Question: Are you prepared to take part in industrial action consisting of a strike?
Number of spoilt or otherwise invalid voting papers returned: 2
Result of Voting:
· Yes: 75 = 63.6%
· No: 43 = 36.4%
Action short of strike ballot result –
Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:168
Number of votes cast in the ballot: 120
Votes cast in the ballot as a % of individuals who were entitled to vote: 71.4%
Question: Are you prepared to take part in industrial action short of a strike?
Number of spoilt or otherwise invalid voting papers returned: 3
Result of Voting:
· Yes: 93 = 79.5%
· No: 24 = 20.5%